Posted by: trbccoffeebreak | June 24, 2024

Why Dry Stunts Our Growth

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” Psalm 63:1 (ESV)

Our once beautiful green grass is now a hue of brown and crunches when we walk across the yard. While south Florida has been plummeted with rain, we haven’t seen a good soaking in a long time.  No lawn mowing is required. I’ve been faithfully watering all my flowers every night and it seems like they absorb the water faster and faster. The temps are hot and humid – no rain in sight.

As I looked across the yard yesterday, I couldn’t help but think of those moments when our souls become dry. Without the refreshing rain of God’s word nourishing our souls, we too become dry, brittle and crunchy. Growth is definitely stunted when we leave out studying, meditating on and obeying the word of God. Our attitudes are the quickest to reflect our lack. We exhibit a short fuse – one ready to pounce when our souls are tired, weary and empty. Poor decisions follow when we leave out the wisdom of our God. Ugly negative thoughts take up residence in our minds when we pivot away from the vital truths of God’s word.  We easily become confused, disillusioned and discouraged when “we” are our only source of nourishment. Nothing we choose will satisfy like our God.

Like a quiet gentle soaking rain welcomed on dry grass, we need a daily infusion of God’s word to penetrate deep into our hearts not just above the surface. Sometimes His word is the encouragement we need to keep pressing on. Other times His word is the storehouse of wisdom needed for the challenges we don’t even know are ahead. Sometimes His word is a gentle rebuke calling us away from sin that seeks to slay us and consequences we’d rather avoid. All pivoting us back to the heart of God who loves us and longs for us to reflect His image in our world.

Sweet friends, we don’t want dry, brittle and crunchy to define us – there’s already too much of that in our world today. The carefree days of summer are here – the perfect time to continue nourishing our souls with the presence and praise of our God. Let’s seize every opportunity to flourish and radiate the beauty found in those whose faces shine from being in the presence of our God.

“Father, create a deep thirst within me for You alone. Draw my heart closer to You and fill my heart, mind and soul with Your wisdom, grace, truth and love.”


For His Glory

Janet Martin
TRBC Women’s Life

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