Posted by: trbccoffeebreak | May 6, 2022

Every Moment of Every Day

“Does He (God) not see my ways and number all my steps?” Job 31:4 (HCSB)

Wouldn’t dare travel without my GPS. Quick four day trip to the beach, and we never got lost. Typed in my location and cruised down the road. Not a single glitch. Couldn’t say that about some of my past getaways. Never liked being lost, wandering and unsure of where I was. Definitely not an issue for Goggle – even if I didn’t know where I was, my GPS did. No detour or wrong turn is missed. Within seconds, the sound of its voice guides me back to the right path. Just a little scary to think a tiny device is aware of my every move.

Convicting to know God not only knows our every move but sees our ways. He never misses a beat. Reader of our thoughts. Glimpsing our deepest emotions and feelings. Forever present even when we forget He is right there. Nothing escapes God’s attention. He is fully aware of the motives and desires of our hearts. He is witness to all things we thought were hidden. The resentment, jealousy and frustration known only to us are fully disclosed to God. Words we marinate on but wouldn’t dare say – He has heard them all. There is no place we can go to escape His Spirit (Psalm 139:7).

Wonder if we let the very thought of His presence in all our moments and all our ways propel us to fear or transformation? The One who knows us intimately desires to illuminate those hidden places so He can guide us back to right living. His agenda is not condemnation, shame or guilt. God is full of mercy, compassion and long-suffering. We see His tenderness throughout scripture, yet He can’t allow sin to reign in our lives. God loves us too much to allow us to settle for regrets and miss His richest blessings.

Distractions and compromises surround us every day. Opportunities to gravitate towards our God or run in the opposite direction. Don’t know about you, but I want to embrace His presence rather than deceive myself into hiding. We desperately need His leading and transforming power to cleanse us from the inside out. And the sweetest joy ever is knowing we are heading in the right direction.

“Father, You are aware of every moment of our lives. The good times and the hard times. The ugly times and the bad times when we lean on our limited perspective. Grateful beyond measure for all those moments when you rescued us from ourselves and led us back to You.”

For His Glory

Janet Martin
TRBC Women’s Life


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